Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I can't actually dream

Okay team, I have to say something. For the last 5 or 6 days, consistently, I've been having some really fucking weird dreams. I'm not talking generic naked dreams or falling dreams or explosions of color dreams, I'm talking Steven King meets M.C. Esher meets a goat motor boating up the pyramids and coming down as a C-3PO Wookie. I'm talking seriously... fucking.... weird...

My nights have blurred together into a terrifying, horrifying, mystifying, fantastic spectacle of unbelievable proportions. The colors are the most majestic and deepest of permanent dyes; ferocious purple and explosive chartreuse and ghastly murky turquoise and more colors words can't even begin to describe in our language. And the people there are the most bizarre ghouls a mind could sanely view; I know them all so well and yet I've never seen them before in any reality. I seem to know everything about them as individual people, yet they're all identical as a visual; grim, gaunt, and faceless expressions plastered upon them leave each as individual as every guard from Goldeneye for the N64.

And the backstories. I know everything about this world, somehow. I know what happened to it, I know why these colors exist, I know why I'm traversing through this foamy bubble of nightmarish stimuli, yet I can't remember it when I wake up. I can't remember any of my thoughts, only the actions. And the visions. And I'm totally disoriented for a good amount of time. I don't know where I am, what I'm supposed to do, or whether I'm still in my dream-world of fiendish imagery. Oftentimes, I found, I actually still am; I glance at my clock and the face transforms right before my eyes into this swirling vortex, ready to pull be back into the dark abyss.

But they're not really nightmares, I don't think. No, I don't wake up scared. It's almost as if I'm ready to go again, ready to experience the depths of my mind as I've never been able to before; I really feel as if I have something truly rewarding for finishing whatever convoluted quest with no discernible plot is laid out before me; it's like getting Surf for finding the Warden's teeth and the Warden in Pokemon - it's a ridiculous prize for an even more ridiculous task. It almost reminds me of reading the Phantom Tollbooth as a youngster, only the plot makes less sense and the imagery, much, much more real.

I wish I could explain what I've seen in more concrete terms, but I don't really know of any suitable allusions for my mind's adventures. I've never seen anything easy to relate to what I've experienced the past few nights in reality. I dunno, there's some avid drug users on this forum, maybe they've had weird dreams like mine. No outside drugs here, though, just really fucking weird dreams.

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