Thursday, September 2, 2010

The moral of the story is racism I think

Hey gang so I've been sitting here working on this very difficult level of the popular and exciting puzzle game "Rush Hour" and it's been driving me insane. Seriously, I can't even remember my phone number or name or catchphrase and it's really irritating. I think I have finally hit an unfortunate wall - my brain is full.

Now I know you're going to think at me with science or some other nonsense about how that is ridiculous and impossible but I can assure you as I type right now and try to come up with thrilling and suspenseful stories about myself I am slowly forgetting important details of my childhood, like my first day of school and my favorite summertime experiences and who my siblings were.

In light of this, I decided to go downtown to Best Buy and see if the Geek Squad™ could help me download my brain onto a flash drive or something. I went in and met with a customer service representative named Randy who I apparently went to pre-school with but forgot about.

"Hey dude remember that time you stuck a crayon up my nose and I almost died?" he would say. "That was hilarious."

"No" I replied.

"Oh I see, the problem is worse than I thought" he said, looking concerned.

He grabbed a floppy disk off of his desk and said "Okay-dokey, let's see if we can backup your brain right here."

He approached confidently but became confused when he attempted to insert the floppy disk into the small of my back. He gently prodded several other areas with the floppy disk but to no avail.

Bewildered, he looked up at me and said "I think you're a human, dude."

"What!" I yelled incredulously, "how can you say such things?"

He slowly shook his head and the huge security robots dragged me down into the dungeons below. How could this have happened? I hung my head in shame.


  1. Hey man, that's too bad. Except about the food, yo.

    So did you ever figure out that ear worm thing? It started bugging me too, but for me it's even worse because I don't hear the sound.

  2. Oh yes haha it's a funny story actually it turned out the sound was from a worm actually tunneling into my cerebellum. At first I was opposed to it but I grew to be friends with the worm and we are both content with how it worked out.
