"It is tough being the smart one," said Jeremy to nobody in particular, "I guess there simply isn't any room in this big anthill allegory for someone like me to thrive" right after Dirk had pushed him in a particularly wet, smelly, and sticky substance. "Dog poo bug dog poo bug why don't you hang out with your dung beetle friends Lame-emy" Dirk and his cronies yelled.
Jeremy was very mad and he wanted to get revenge on Dirk. Unfortunately there was no way Jeremy could match Dirk's size and food-carrying ability and Jeremy was very disappointed and went all the way back to his small room nestled in the furthest back, darkest corner of the anthill. He looked up sadly as several pieces of dirt crumbled down from his ramshackle ceiling.
The next day he tried to go about his normal routine and avoid Dirk. Dirk was still being extra mean to all of the ants and Jeremy wanted to know what was going on. Dirk had always been pretty mean but he had suddenly gotten much meaner to everyone, not just Jeremy. He had even started to pick on the older and wiser ant leaders, including the great queen.
The queen's guards immediately had Dirk thrown out and Jeremy followed Dirk back to his hideout. Once there he found Dirk's family had all been killed!
This was very alarming to Jeremy and so he immediately tried to tell the queen what had happened but he got thrown out as well because the guards were not as trusting after Dirk tried to attack the queen.
He walked away dejected and he was very sad until he bumped right into Dirk! "Blaaarrrggggghhhhhhh, roaaarrrrrr, blaaarrgggghgh" said Dirk. "Excuse me," said Jeremy, "I don't think you are speaking antish right now"
Then Jeremy looked down and saw that there were several little naked men running out of of Dirk's sleeve and he had the presence of mind to step on one of them. Dirk roared loudly and furiously, smashing Jeremy to the side and started climbing up the water tower! Jeremy grabbed onto one of Dirk's appendages and Dirk's exoskeleton gave way to reveal a finely dressed man in a black suit who continued to climb the water tower!
Jeremy thought quickly and he and his partner grabbed their vaporizer guns and blasted the human into millions of tiny bits.
"That was horrible" Jeremy said. His partner agreed.
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